Monday, January 5, 2009

Human Rights #3

In India, the Sikh's are constantly killed in confrontation with police officers. This has been a big issue in India for the past 5 years when the Sikhs wanted To becomes their own state. They now gather mainly in New Delhi. The police officers are allowed to go into houses to investigate without warrant in New Delhi. They are often brutal with the tenants. Many Sikhs have been hurt, tortured and killed with police brutality. This directly effects Article 5 of the UNDHR: which states "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" ( and article 18 which says that everyone is entitled to freedom of beleif and religion. Article 5 is being violated because the people of New Delhi are being torured, and killed by police officer for no reason. They are also being discriminated against because of their religion and beleifs, which is against article 18.

Article used:

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